Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Hollywood pros to launch online video site

When it debuts Tuesday on the Web, My Damn Channel will become the latest attempt by Hollywood professionals to cash in on the huge popularity of online video...

The site is the brainchild of former MTV and CBS Radio executive Rob Barnett, who believes Internet audiences want to see professionally produced shows other than network TV fare.

"The old media companies don't know how to program for this medium,' Barnett said. 'There is a focus on reruns and outtakes, and I don't think that cuts it."
Hollywood pros to launch online video site - Yahoo! News

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

12 Ways to Use Facebook Professionally

Good tips on improving your Facebook profile.
"12 ways Facebook can benefit the web worker, particularly those who are home-based. The more connected you are to your co-workers and clients without being intrusive, the better your working relationship."
Web Worker Daily » 12 Ways to Use Facebook Professionally

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

9 Ways to Build Your Own Social Network

Good review of "Build Your Own Social Network" websites.
"These up-and-coming companies provide so-called “white label” social networking platforms that enable their customers to build their own social networks (often from scratch) and to tailor those networks to a range of purposes."
9 Ways to Build Your Own Social Network

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Internet Crash of 2007

Seriously funny ;-)

The Internet Crash of 2007 [Via: LifeHacker]

How Top Bloggers Earn Money | BusinessWeek

This BusinessWeek article profiles several successful blogs that have managed to attract a following and in the process, created a new business for some accidental bloggers.
"From cat pictures and celebrity gossip to tech news and politics, the stars of the blogosphere earn plenty of dough, regardless of subject. Some bloggers start their sites intending to make big profits. But most of the bloggers we talked to had more modest expectations, and saw their blogs unexpectedly turn into businesses as traffic picked up and ad dollars rolled in. Here's a look at how some of the most popular blogs make their money."
How Top Bloggers Earn Money | BusinessWeek

Bloggers Bring in the Big Bucks

"Eric Nakagawa, a software developer in Hawaii, posted a single photo of a fat, smiling cat he found on the Internet, with the caption, 'I can has cheezburger?' in January, 2007, at a Web site he created. It was supposed to be a joke. Soon after he posted a few more images in the same vein: cute cats with funny captions written in a silly, invented hybrid of Internet shorthand and baby-talk. Then he turned the site into a blog, so that visitors could comment on the postings. What happened after that would have been hard for anyone to predict."
Bloggers Bring in the Big Bucks

Monday, July 16, 2007

PixelNovel: FlickrShop

Cool new free plug-in to export images from Photoshop (CS2 & CS3) to Flickr.
FlickrShop is a plug-in for Adobe Photoshop that allows you to upload images to Flickr photo sharing website directly from Adobe Photoshop.

15 Productive Uses for a Wiki

The Web Worker Daily has some great tips on how we can use a Wiki to manage our personal and work related projects.
We're all familiar with wikis, of course — Wikipedia being the most famous example, but many other useful wikis abound on the Internet. But one of the most productive forms of wikis is the personal wiki, which you can create at any number of sites. Once you've got your personal wiki set up, here are 15 ways to use a wiki productively, web worker style...
Web Worker Daily » Blog Archive 15 Productive Uses for a Wiki

Monday, July 09, 2007

Essential reading for bloggers

Another great find from Lifehacker; this time a list of the 55 most essential articles for serious bloggers from Entrepreneurial blogger Matt Huggins.
Whatever your reasons for blogging, you're sure to find some useful information here. Articles are organized by category: blogging basics, how to write meaningful content, how to increase your readership, SEO, community, monetization, and more.
Lifehacker, the Productivity and Software Guide

70+ Podcasting Tools and Resources

A comprehensive list of resources for Podcasting [via Lifehacker]; very useful for any aspiring podcaster out there.
Social web tracker Mashable has compiled a monster list of the seventy most essential podcasting resources.From basic podcast creation to miscellaneous podcasting tools, this is a very comprehensive list that should take care of most (if not all) of your podcasting questions.
Lifehacker, the Productivity and Software Guide

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Google Makes FeedBurner Services Free

A good service, now set free by Google.
FeedBurner has ceased charging for two premium features following their acquisition by Google in May.FeedBurner Stats PRO, a service that provides detailed statistics including subscriber numbers, item clickthrough tracking, podcast downloads and aggregate item uses amongst other features, becomes free.
Google Makes FeedBurner Services Free