Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Deliver a Presentation like Steve Jobs

Good breakdown of the key techniques used by the "presentation master" Steve Jobs.
"Our communications coach breaks down the ace presenter's latest Macworld keynote. The result? A 10-part framework you can use to wow your own audience"
BusinessWeek: Deliver a Presentation like Steve Jobs

Friday, January 25, 2008

Storming Omaha Beach (on a shoestring, with three actors)

"In this little youtube, three enterprising guys recreate the storming of Omaha Beach by filming themselves repeatedly running up the real Omaha Beach, climbing the bluffs, etc, and then cleverly composite the footage, accomplishing a scene as impressive as anything in Saving Private Ryan for a fraction of the cost: 'Due to the youtube interest in our little 'making of' vid , we have just heard they are going to repeat the full Programme on BBC2 on Sunday 27th Jan at 23:20!' Link (via Eat Our Brains and Boing Boing)"
Storming Omaha Beach (on a shoestring, with three actors) - Boing Boing:

Friday, January 18, 2008

Toonlet: DIY Cartoon Strips Made Social

"Toonlet is a new site where you can create your own cartoon strips with customized characters and leave cartoons as comments in response to other peoples' strips. It's fun, fast and easy."
Toonlet: DIY Cartoon Strips Made Social - ReadWriteWeb

Five Rules for Great Websites

Some very good advice in this article.
In a world in which it's unusual for a business not to have a website, an ambitious business owner must expect to do more than just throwing something online. Following these simple rules will help your website stand out.
Five Rules for Great Websites - Marketing & Sales - Biznik