Thursday, November 02, 2006

YouTube hopes to be on mobile devices in 2007

Going forward, video is going to be increasingly an important offering from all the major web players due to the fact that the tools are getting easier and a visual medium is preferred by the emerging generation who have grown up with the Internet, Digital Cameras and Cell Phones for most of their lives.
Chad Hurley, YouTube chief executive and co-founder, told an advertising conference that offering video services on mobile phones was a key opportunity for the company.

"Within the next year we hope to have something on a mobile device, it's going to be a huge market, especially for the video mind-set we're dealing with, it's a natural transition," said Hurley.

Already many of the clips seen on YouTube are captured by users with their cellphones. A new mobile service could enable users to share videos with others in the YouTube community directly via their phones.

YouTube hopes to be on mobile devices in 2007 - Yahoo! News

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