Wednesday, September 20, 2006

A way to "monetize" those videos

Thanks to my friend Pat for finding this article. Now there is a way content creators can make an income off their creations. A couple of new websites Metacafe and Revver are offering a pay-per-view and a 50-50 ad-revenue sharing program. You create, they host, you both make some money. The "Lonely Girl" has already moved over to Revver; this is definitely a trend worth watching.
Lonelygirl15 (now known to be Jessica Rose) doesn’t seem to be out of the headlines for one day: this week, the news is that they’ve moved the operation to video-sharing startup Revver, where the creators can earn 50% of the show’s ad revenue.
Lonelygirl15 Moves from YouTube to Revver? - Mashable!

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