Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Accidental Entrepreneurs

Information Week has a wonderful article highlighting the successes of some new entrepreneurs. It is a must read for all aspiring entrepreneurs who want to be part of the Web 2.0 wave.

It covers varied stories from a stay-at-home mom who made a career out of blogging (Dooce); a husband-wife team born six-days-apart who started Six Apart (the company that distributes Movable Type blogging software, LiveJournal, TypePad, and new Vox blogging services); a hobbyist who's hobby became a business called del.icio.us; opportunistic entrepreneurs who started Digg.com; to a loner looking for an alternative career who launched Zoot.

There is a good summary at the end about what these people had in common and what made them take the entrepreneurial step. "Not everyone can be an accidental entrepreneur. It requires skill, dedication, vision, courage--and a little luck. But for a fortunate few, accidental entrepreneurship has changed their lives."

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